Hey everyone! ♥
Even though this is going to be a small post (I'll explain why further on), I wanted to show you guys my newest costume: Carla Radames from Resident Evil 6!
SPOILER: I do not want to spoil anyone but this is not Ada Wong, please do your research.
I'm not sure if this picture is from the actual game's artwork, but it's the best reference on the web |
Probably some of you know that Carla is a relatively new character to the RE fandom, so it's still a bit hard to find decent pictures of her. That is one of the reasons this post is going to be so small, I don't have many reference pictures to show you : (
I wanted to bring this costume for FIBDA 2012 (AmadoraBD) which was held last month. However, I only decided that I wanted to do it 4 days before the event, so this costume was made in just 3 days! It was one of the most thrilling and at the same time scary cosplay adventures that I ever had!
Just a reference for the back of her dress, it's open like in the front part | Picture from Resident Evil 6. |
Yes, I know what you're all thinking, I don't have the body type or the looks to cosplay this character. I know and I do realize that.
But Carla is (just like SnJ Kakuzu) a challenge to me. It's me trying to portray a character that I really like, and stay true to her but making it manageable and appropriate for who I am. Obviously a person with a nice body would look much better than me, but I'm just trying to say that you don't have to be all sexy and perfect to do this type of character.
As for photos of the making-off, I barely have anything to show you (that is the main reason to why this post will be a miniature compared to the others). I was always in a huge rush, so I didn't took many pictures ;___;
I already had the dress completely cut in here but I still had a lot to do! |
Working on the sleeves and on the right it's my grandma's hands (she was helping me out) |
This is all I have of the dress! Like I said, I didn't take many pictures... I know the color looks a bit off, but it's because of my camera's flash (I worked during the evening and night because I have school in the morning, so I had to take photos with the flash on).
Left: The earrings before I cut most of them out | Right: Finished earrings |
I honestly thought that the earrings would be the hardest part because as many of you know I don't have my ears pierced (personal choice), so when a character has earrings I always have a lot of work ahead since I usually can't find what I want with clip-ons.
But this time it was different, I found those earrings at Claire's, they were super cheap and pretty much what I wanted! I had to cut the inner part out as well as some of the hoops but that was it!
The boots before I did anything to them |
Those are the boots that I bought for the costume! They were super cheap as well and they're actually quite confortable (though after walking for about 2 hours non-stop you just can't stand those heels anymore). I removed the studs because Carla's boots don't have them.
The shitload of studs that I had to take off |
Believe it or not, my fingers were so hurt and bleeding a bit after I finished taking off all of the studs... they were so hard to remove!!
And here is the wonderful (not) WIP picture that I posted on my Tumblr the night before the event! I still had to sew the bottom seam and the scarf (it looks finished, it's not). The belt and gloves are from my mom (she lent them to me).
I really like how this costume came out, I think that I look pretty in it (not sexy but pretty)! I know her dress has an opening on the bottom but I chose not to do it. It's not really that important, you can barely see it in the game anyway.
Here goes a photo with no edition that I took at the con, just so you can see the costume:
I have more photos but I'm waiting for the right time to do a proper photoshoot in a more urbanistic place (probably Expo) since well, Resident Evil is all about that. And zombies, but that I won't have XD
That is all! I will update when I have more stuff for you guys!